Friday, November 8, 2013

Abstract Impressionism DAY 1

Abstract Impressionism Scavenger Hunt
Directions: Using the websites noted in the last blog post answer the following questions. 
Email me the answers at 
Please include the date and your class number in the subject line. 

1. Where was Norman Lewis from?
2. What is the Spiral Group?
3. What is abstract impressionism?

**Blogger Comments**
Post the title and artist of your favorite abstract impressionism painting under the comments section of this post, make sure to include your name! 

ipad Painting Planning
Use your ipad to create a rough draft of the painting you want to create next class. Choose from one of the ipad art apps to create a plan for your abstract impressionism painting. 

Think about COLOR, STYLE, and DESIGN. The lines should be short and build up to a larger design. Remember this is abstract art so it does not have to look realistic.  


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