OBJECTIVE- fold at least 10 paper cranes.
GOAL- we will fold and hang from the ceiling 1,000 cranes
How to do it? http://www.wikihow.com/Fold-a-Paper-Crane
Note- the origami paper is very expensive, take your time and follow the instructions. Let me know if you need help!
OBJECTIVE- create an abstract artwork using acrylic paints
GOAL- these paintings will be hung in the office and around the school
Tips- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W8SR0goXlR8
Techniques- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EVFWW_8Kth0
OBJECTIVE- paint a small canvas with a symbol, image, or design
GOAL- these paintings will be hung together to create a mural in the hallway
Tips- keep the design, colors and images simple
Techniques- think of things that you like and symbols that represent those things
Example- if you love photography you could draw and paint a camera
1. draw the image with pencil
2. use white paint as a base coat on the black canvas
3. paint over the base coat using color paints